Thursday, March 19, 2009

Quick Update

Things really are getting better, and I thought I'd focus this post on all the good things I've noticed over the past couple of weeks.  

For instance, I've noticed that the numbness is totally gone from my left side except for one of my fingers!  This is awesome news.  

I can actually sleep on my right side again!  This is great news, too, because my left side was getting so achy from overuse because I love my naps and my bedtime!  I also have more sensation (for better AND for worse) on that side of my head.  Which means I can really feel the pins in my head.  (Adding this picture as a reminder of just where those stupid pins, or whatever they are called, are located.  And boy, do I feel them!)

The 'frostburn' in both of my knees is totally gone!

I still love my naps, but I don't have to take naps that are quite as long as I was even last week!

I actually went to a very gentle Yoga class (it's more of a stretching class) that was so awesome I can't even tell you.  I am very sore right now, but it's a good sore.  My neck and my shoulders were just getting so tight and sore, you have no idea, and this has helped!

Okay, I'm not really driving all that much, but I can when I need to.  However, I will confess that I did get pulled over yesterday for speeding in a school zone.  But Johnny didn't give me a ticket.  Yeah!  I will be extra careful from now on!  And continue to drive only when needed!

I should hear something back about treatment at the Midwest Proton Radiotherapy Institute very soon.  I've been reading where other meningioma patients who had traditional radiation and years later they are experiencing issues like fatigue, trouble sleeping, visual and balance issues. I'm still not thrilled with radiation, but this option I can get comfortable with.  As Dr. Henderson said the other day, without radiation or proton therapy, there's a 60% chance of recurrence with this type of tumor.  My back's against the wall, but I'll deal.  I just can't believe that I even have this option!  

1 comment:

  1. Glad yoga class helped Tuesday night. Also glad you're feeling better and better.

    See you soon!

