Friday, May 1, 2009

My buds

The last month, especially, has been kinda rough. But besides my husband, the other creatures that have been constant companions are my sweet kitties.  

I woke up this week to the 'girls' as me and Kevin call them, snuggled up together next to me on the bed.  They don't always get along, but there are moments where they don't just tolerate each other, but perhaps enjoy each others' company.

Chloe is making the fierce face (I just happened to catch her in a full stretch and yawn). Simona (or "Mona" as we tend to call her) is the other cutie.  Don't tell Chloe or her brother, Clyde, but I have such a soft spot for Mona since she is our rescue kitty.

Mona literally follows me all around the house and is always the first one to greet us when we come in from outside.  Since they are all indoor kitties, though, they are all 3 pretty attached to me and Kevin and are always in the same room as us, even though they have a big house to roam around. 

They are constant and wonderful companions as I continue to heal.  

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